Why Laax is Snow-Sure: High Altitude & Smart Snowmaking


IntroductionIf you’re booking a ski trip, snow reliability is crucial. Thankfully, Laax has both the natural advantage of high peaks and the technological backing to keep runs white all season.Contributing Factors- High-Altitude Terrain: Runs above 2,000m hold snow later into spring.- Vorab Glacier: Its glacial environment helps maintain cool temperatures, nudging more snowfall.- Snow Machines: An extensive network of snow guns ensures coverage during drier spells.- Grooming Teams: Experts reposition and maintain snow overnight, so you wake up to fresh corduroy or well-packed powder.For Chalet GuestsA snow-sure resort means you can typically ski right back to our chalet’s doorstep—even in late season. It’s a major perk for those who want a longer winter window.

FlemXpress in Summer: A Smoother Path to Alpine Exploration

FlemXpress in Summer: A Smoother Path to Alpine Exploration

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Una casa familiare contemporanea immersa nelle Alpi svizzere.
Il posto di Bella Vita a Flims è unico. Situato proprio accanto alla pista principale che porta in città, potrai entrare e uscire con gli sci finché la pista è aperta. L'appartamento può ospitare otto persone in quattro comode camere da letto, con un accogliente spazio abitativo per rilassarsi in famiglia o con gli amici.


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